Categoria: Hollywood Studios

Hollywood Boulevard, The Great Movie Ride, Echo Lake, Indiana Jones , Star Tours, Streets of America, Muppet Vision, Lights, Motors, Action, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure, Querida, Encolhi as Crianças, Pixar Place, Toy Story Midway Mania, Toy Story Mania, Toy Story, Mickey Avenue, Walt Disney: One Man’s Dream, One Man’s Dream, O Sonho de Um Homem, Animation Courtyard, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, The Magic of Disney Animation, Pequena Sereia, Sunset Boulevard, Beauty and the Beast, A Bela e a Fera, Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, Aerosmith, The Twilight Zone, Tower of Terror, Torre do Terror, Hollywood Tower Hotel, Fantasmic

Hollywood Studios – O mundo do entretenimento (2018)

Hollywood Studios – The World of Entertainment (2018) (please find the English version at the end of the text)   Inaugurado em 1989 com nome de MGM Studios, a partir de 2008 o terceiro Parque temático da Disney na Florida passou a se chamar Hollywood Studios (HS). Coordenadas do estacionamento: Latitude 28.357010°; Longitude -81.556100° Endereço do…

Por sidneieid2015 julho 5, 2015 26